Prodrive plays host to 2017 Guild AGM

Guild members will gather at the new headquarters of Prodrive in Banbury on 11 May for their 72nd Annual General Meeting.

In addition to the usual opportunity for members to influence the operation of the Guild, vote on key resolutions and elect new committee members the event will also provide members with guided tours of the new Prodrive facility, which opened in 2015.

Timetable 11 May

10.00am Arrival, registration, tea/coffee
11.00am AGM
12 noon Presentation by Prodrive
12.30pm Lunch
1.30pm Tours of Prodrive
3.00-4.00pm Tea/coffee, departure

The meeting is open to Guild members only. To secure a place, please reply to the General Secretary Patricia Lodge by 28 April 2017.

Nominations are being sought from full members for vacancies on the committee. Anyone wishing to stand should send a letter or email of nomination confirming their willingness to serve, along with a written proposal signed by another full Guild member, by 13 April 2017.

Resolutions to be put before the AGM should be forwarded to the general secretary by 13 April 2017. 

Prodrive, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 4XD