As amended at the Annual General Meeting on 11 May 2022
Founded 1944
President: Nick Mason
Vice-Presidents: John Blauth, Peter Burgess, Matthew Carter, Ray Hutton
- To strive constantly by whatever means in its power to raise the standards of motoring journalism
- To encourage motoring, road safety and motor sport
- To safeguard the interests of all its members in relation to the aims of The Guild and to make representations where necessary for facilities to enable them better to pursue their vocation
- To provide a link with fellow members all over the world
- To promote social events for members and those interested in motoring
- The Guild
The name shall be The Guild of Motoring Writers Limited.
- Objectives
The objectives shall be set out in The Guild’s Memorandum and Articles of Association, and summarised above, provided always that no Rules shall be inconsistent with or shall affect or repeal anything contained in the Memorandum or Articles of Association of The Guild.
- Qualification for Membership:
Anyone having a professional interest or involvement in automotive media, for example, but not exclusively, as a writer, photographer, broadcaster, designer, sub-editor, publisher, videographer, artist, website editor, blogger or vlogger may be eligible for membership. Each application is to be judged on its merits and membership granted at the discretion of the Committee. The membership status of each member shall be assessed periodically by the Committee to ensure that they continue to meet the appropriate criteria. If it is felt that anyone no longer meets these criteria they may be asked to provide evidence of their current activities and their membership status reviewed.
3 (a) UK Full Membership:
At the Committee’s discretion, anyone whose principal professional occupation is in the field of original, objective automotive media, available in the public domain (as outlined under Qualification for Membership) and has been for at least the last 12 months, may be offered Full membership status. Their application must be supported by referees who are existing Guild members and/or established senior media professionals (eg editors, publishers). They will be required to provide recent examples of work on application.
These members, on payment of their annual subscription (which shall be determined by the Committee), shall receive:
- A free copy of the Guild Yearbook with their own individual entry
- Access to the Guild website with their own website listing
- A free membership Press Identity card valid for a year
- An electronic version of the Guild newsletter
- Eligibility to enter the Guild annual awards
- Eligibility to stand for office within the Guild
- Access to the full Benefits and Concessions available to members as determined from time to time by the Committee
3 (b) UK Associate Membership:
Anyone who can satisfy the Committee that they meet the qualification for membership (as outlined under Qualification for Membership), but where their automotive media activity is not their principal occupation or activity or they have been working in this capacity for less than 12 months, may be offered Associate membership. Their application must be supported by referees who are existing Guild members and/or established senior media professionals (eg editors, publishers). They will be required to provide recent examples of work on application.
These members, on payment of their annual subscription (which shall be determined by the Committee and may be waived in the case of, for example, students), shall receive:
- A free copy of the Guild Yearbook with their own individual entry
- Access to the Guild website with their own website listing
- A free membership Press Identity card valid for a year
- An electronic version of the Guild newsletter
- Access to a selection of Benefits and Concessions available to members as determined from time to time by the Committee
- Eligibility to enter some of the Guild’s annual awards
3 (c) Provisional Membership
Anyone who has demonstrated to the Committee’s satisfaction that they have a strong interest and ability to work in automotive media in any capacity and who has demonstrated a desire to make this a full-time career, may be invited to become a Provisional member. The Committee will actively seek out young and emerging talent and encourage them to join this category. Membership will be reviewed after 12 months to see if sufficient progress is being made, at which time, at the discretion of the Committee, the individual can apply for Full or Associate membership or a 12-month extension of Provisional membership. These members shall receive, at the discretion of the Committee:
- A copy of the previous year’s Guild Yearbook – if available
- Entitlement to receive electronic communications from the Guild
- Access to Guild events
3 (d) Overseas Membership:
Anyone who can satisfy the Committee that they meet the eligibility criteria for Full Membership or Associate Membership and who is resident outside the UK.
These members on payment of their annual subscription (which shall be determined by the Committee), shall receive:
- A free copy of the Guild Yearbook with their own individual entry
- A free membership Press Identity card valid for a year
- An electronic version of the Guild newsletter
- Where possible, access to selected Benefits and Concessions available to members as determined from time to time by the Committee
- Access to the Guild website with their own website listing
- Eligibility to enter the Guild annual awards
3 (e) Retired Membership:
Anyone who is a member of the Guild (either as a Full, Associate or Overseas member) can apply to the committee for transfer to the Retired Membership Category. This shall normally be when an individual has retired from active engagement with automotive journalism and has completed 15 years’ fully paid-up continuous Guild membership – however these conditions may be waived at the discretion of the Committee. These members shall receive:
On request, a free copy of the Guild Yearbook with their own individual entry if they meet all the conditions of Retired Membership. Those aged under 65 or with less than 15 year’s membership may, at the discretion of the committee, be asked to pay a fee, as determined by the committee, for the Yearbook.
On request, a membership Press Identity card marked as ‘Retired Member’ valid for a year on payment of a fee determined by the Committee.
An electronic version of the Guild newsletter or, where there is no internet access and at the discretion of the Committee, a free printed copy.
3 (f) Life Membership:
Anyone who has been deemed by the Committee to have performed a special service as a member of the Guild shall be awarded Life Membership. These members shall receive for no payment:
- A free copy of the Guild Yearbook with their own individual entry
- A free membership Press Identity card valid for a year for those who are actively involved in automotive journalism or on request if they are Retired
- An electronic version of the Guild newsletter
- Access to the full Benefits and Concessions available to members as determined from time to time by the Committee for those who are actively involved in Automotive Journalism
- Access to the Guild website with their own website listing
- Eligibility to enter the Guild annual awards
3 (g) Honorary Membership:
Awarded by the Committee as a mark of the Guild’s appreciation of services rendered to Automotive Journalism or Automotive Causes in general. These members shall receive for no payment:
- A free copy of the Guild Yearbook with their own individual entry
- An electronic version of the Guild newsletter
- Access to the Guild website with their own website listing
3 (h) Friend of the Guild (limited to 25 at any one time):
Awarded by the Committee as a mark of the Guild’s appreciation of services rendered to the Guild. These members shall receive for no payment:
- A free copy of the Guild Yearbook with their own individual entry
- An electronic version of the Guild newsletter
- Access to the Guild website with their own website listing
- Method of Election
All applications for membership of The Guild must be supported by two referees who can be either Guild Members or active members of the motoring press, or editors who regularly publish the candidate’s work and who are acceptable to the Committee. Referees must have personal knowledge of the applicant and may be contacted by The Guild.
Applications for membership of The Guild will be first considered by the Membership sub-committee who will then make a recommendation to the Full committee either electronically or in person at a committee meeting. Any application must be accepted by two-thirds of the committee in order to continue. The names and qualifications of the candidates, duly backed by referees and approved by the committee, shall be circulated to the full membership for any objections to be raised. The application, with any objections, then returns to the Committee either electronically or in person for final approval. This second reading must be accepted by two-thirds of the committee.’
Nominees who are approved by the Committee shall be invited to join The Guild. The Committee shall be under no obligation to take further action after deciding against a candidate’s admission.
The Committee shall periodically review the membership, and may remove any person as a member whose occupation no longer qualifies him/her as a member under Rule 3, hereof, or who has, in its opinion, brought The Guild into disrepute. The Committee shall not be required to give its reasons and any member so removed shall cease to be a member of The Guild. The offer of membership will remain open for three months after which time an applicant wishing to join may be asked to re-apply.
- Fees and Subscriptions
The Committee may from time to time decide the rates of subscriptions and entry fees and may decide for what periods such payments shall refer.
Members who have not paid their subscriptions by the last day of February in the year shall be deemed to have allowed their membership to lapse. Should they wish to continue as members they may be required to re-apply for election, and to pay an entry fee if the Committee so decides.
- Conduct of Members
The Guild requires a high standard of professional conduct from its members and any activity that brings the Guild into disrepute may be reported to the Committee. Members who accept work outside the confines of automotive journalism as specified in Rule 3 and who are in doubt as to how it might affect their standing as a member of the Guild should write to the Committee asking for a ruling. In such cases the Committee will be guided by the effect such employment might have on the credibility of the Guild and its members; and it will be mindful, particularly in the case of freelancers, of members’ needs to widen the scope of their earnings.
Any member not having previously consulted the committee whose activities are brought to the notice of the Committee as being prejudicial to the interests of the Guild may be called before the committee and failing a satisfactory explanation many be cautioned, suspended, required to resign or expelled as the Committee shall determine. The decision of the Committee in this respect shall be with the Committee’s absolute discretion and the Committee shall not be required to explain or give reasons for any decision reached.
No officer or other members of the Guild may make or publish a policy statement on behalf of the Guild without prior approval and clearance of the text by the Executive Committee.
- General Meetings
A General Meeting shall be held annually in accordance with the Articles. For the purposes of electing a President, Chair, Vice-Chair and Committee, members may exercise their votes by proxy. Proxy votes must reach the Chief Executive/General Secretary not later than 48 hours prior to the AGM.
- Committee
The Guild shall be governed by a Committee of up to 14 members (from among whom a Chair and a Vice-Chair shall be elected) and the following ex-officio members: President, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary. Only Full Members of The Guild are eligible to serve on the Committee.
One-third of the elected members of the Committee – except the Chair and Vice-Chair during their respective terms of office – shall retire each year and, with the exception of those who at that time shall have served six consecutive years on the Committee, shall be eligible for re-election at the AGM. Nominations, duly signed by the nominee and a proposer, for membership of the Committee, must be received by the Chief Executive/General Secretary at least 28 days before the date fixed for the AGM.
The Committee shall have power to co-opt members to serve on the Committee for a specific purpose and they shall cease to be members of the Committee when that purpose has been fulfilled.
The Annual General Meeting shall be asked to confirm the Committee’s election of the Chair and Vice-Chair and confirm in office the Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary. Should there be more than one nomination for any office, or more nominations for the Committee than the number of vacancies, a ballot or ballots shall be held to decide the elections.
The President and Vice-Presidents may be elected at the Annual General Meeting on the proposal of the Committee. Such proposal must be circulated at least 28 days before the date fixed for the meeting. Once elected, the President and Vice-Presidents shall serve for life, or until resignation, provided only that they may be removed from office by resolution duly passed at a General Meeting of The Guild, but are not permitted to vote.
Vice-Presidents are elected as a mark of honour, and are invited to attend Committee meetings and give the Committee the benefit of their advice.
- Election of Chair
Each year, notice shall be given of the forthcoming election allowing all Committee members the opportunity to seek election. If no other nominations are received, the Chair shall remain with no election held – unless the Chair wishes to stand down. Should the Chair wish to stand down, and no other nominations be received, the Chair remains in office until such time as a replacement is sought. Should the Chair be unable to remain in office, the Vice-Chair will stand-in until a replacement is elected. When required, election dates shall be set by the Committee. Any Committee member seeking election the role of Chair should have ideally previously served as Chair or have served at least one year as Vice-Chair.
- Election of Vice-Chair
Each year, nominations for the role of Vice-Chair shall be sought allowing all Committee members the opportunity to seek election as Vice-Chair. If no other nominations are received, the Vice-Chair shall remain with no election held – unless the Vice-Chair wishes to stand down or seek election to the role of Chair. Should the Vice-Chair be unable to remain in office the Executive & Emergency Committee shall propose an acting Vice-Chair for the Committee’s approval until such time as a replacement is elected. When required, election dates shall be set by the Committee.
- Friends of the Guild.
The Committee shall award the honour of Friend of The Guild to anyone considered to have given outstanding service to The Guild or Guild members. At any time the number of Friends of The Guild shall not exceed 25.
- Guild Insignia
The Guild’s badges and emblems of various types as supplied to members on payment of the appropriate charge must not be used after termination of membership.
- Amendments of Rules
The Committee may alter the Rules of The Guild and add thereto as may from time to time be considered desirable. Such alterations or additions shall be ratified by the membership at the next Annual General Meeting.
Registered Office: The Royal Automobile Club Pall, Mall, London SW1Y 5HS